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Gabrielle Pimstone
1 min read
Simple scanning for energetic blocks
Practice these 4 steps regularly to find energetic blocks. Rub your hands whilst setting the intention to find an energetic block related...
Gabrielle Pimstone
1 min read
Have you been alone and closed off for too long?
"And the day came when the need to remain closed became more painful that the risk to open" (Anonymous) When I first started doing energy...
Gabrielle Pimstone
1 min read
How to interrupt energy dips
Did you know that when you catch yourself in a downward spiral, you can interrupt the dip very rapidly? Here are the steps I follow. Tune...
Gabrielle Pimstone
1 min read
Struggling in relationships? Activate your heart chakra
If you're struggling to form and maintain healthy relationships with others, you may have an energetic block in your heart chakra. Is...
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Gabrielle Pimstone
1 min read
Wanna navigate your dreams to heal yourself?
Dreams are the gateway to the unconscious and an efficient way of releasing blocks and healing yourself. I've been working with my dreams...
Gabrielle Pimstone
1 min read
I got scared when my energy expanded
Fear can both enable and constrain spiritual growth, learn how to master it. When I've experienced energetic expansion, fear has popped...
Gabrielle Pimstone
1 min read
When you're confronted by other peoples' abundance, its a sign
When you encounter other peoples' abundance, notice it and appreciate it. Its a reminder that yours is on its way. I’ve had an...
Gabrielle Pimstone
1 min read
Weird signs you're upgrading your energy
When you upgrade your energetic vibration, things can happen that don’t seem to make sense. I’m in the middle of an energetic upgrade...
Gabrielle Pimstone
2 min read
How I released my biggest energy block
I’ve been reflecting on the process of healing myself, which is part of the reason I became an energy healer. I’ve really come to...
Gabrielle Pimstone
1 min read
A case of the emotional runs or are you emotionally constipated?
If you're struggling to manage your emotions in a healthy manner, you may have an energetic block in your second chakra, the sacral...
Gabrielle Pimstone
1 min read
Stuck in survival mode? Ground more
If you're struggling to meet your basic survival needs, chances are you have an energetic block in your root chakra. There was a time 20...
Gabrielle Pimstone
1 min read
Discover the unique identity of each chakra
When I learned how to do energy clearings and tuned into the chakra system, I realised that each chakra has its own unique identity. Like...
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Gabrielle Pimstone
1 min read
How to set intentions that actually materialise
Setting an intention is far more than setting a goal. Its about aligning mind and energy. In the 3D world the way that we achieve what we...
Gabrielle Pimstone
1 min read
How limiting beliefs become energy blocks
The energy of limiting beliefs is invisible but powerful. For years, I let my beliefs play out like a silent movie in the background....
Gabrielle Pimstone
1 min read
Your shadow is your key to healing
"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light but by making the darkness conscious" - Carl Jung, founder of analytical...
Gabrielle Pimstone
1 min read
Our intentions are like a glass of water
Manifestation requires an acceptance of limitation. A boundary allows us to contain, and thus collect and build.’ Much like a glass of...
Gabrielle Pimstone
1 min read
A nifty universal principle I live by
There is a nifty principle relating to energy and that is that the Universe does not like voids – whatever you remove, you must replace....
Gabrielle Pimstone
1 min read
Feeling anxious? Use geometric breathing
Geometric breathing is a quick hack to instantly reduce anxiety. Step #1 - Imagine your feet are rooted into the ground. Step #2 - Count...
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